Alice Choked
on her “lucky” rabbit’s foot, landed six
feet under, in a hole nobody claims
to remember digging. She died
with her crinolines over her head and
a Cheshire grin on her face. What a scandal!
The picture made the front
page of The Mad Hatter Press. The world
could not get enough
of Miss Goody-Two-Shoes’ goodies,
on full display in grandma panties and striped
goth socks. What’s worse,
the children who were having
a tea party in the park found her. That image
of little blonde queen in dress-up robe and
crown, kneeling above the grave site is heart-
wrenching media fodder at its finest.
All the television stations clambered to pick
up the lead, and already there are rumors
circulating. Third-rate actresses vying
to portray her in a cracked-out sci-fi
billion-dollar bastardization of the book
that hasn’t been written yet, though her family
did issue a statement announcing
they had relinquished their rights for one
in exchange for an original song and two
golden geese (to be named later).
This news came as a shock
to no one.
A.J. Huffman
A.J. Huffman’s poetry, fiction, haiku, and photography have appeared in journals including Labletter, The James Dickey Review, and Offerta Speciale, in which her work appeared in both English and Italian translation. She is also the founding editor of Kind of a Hurricane Press.