In the Centre of the Black

Center of the Black graphic.jpg

He knew that I was here.
Concerned no one but myself,
the intensity of the feeling,

deep in some dark plot against me.
It was not against you.
The world was made for his pleasure.

I could not tell you,
a candle to the window,
nothing—nothing at all.

It was not my secret,
if there was a plot,
and the lighter expanse.


Source: Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. The Hound of the Baskervilles. Unabridged ed. 1959. London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd, 1968. 100-101. Print.

Amanda Papenfus

Amanda Papenfus

Amanda Papenfus has poetry forthcoming in Whirlwind and has appeared in The Montreal Review and other publications. Fiction has appeared in Two Thirds North, The First Line, and elsewhere.

Zoetic Press

Zoetic Press believes in new ways of storytelling and reading.

Pinker's Study


Moriarty's Music Hall Memories