My Memory Is the Mirror You Breathe On

guilt-tripping onto
blood-gilded knees
i’m golden, gaslit & gleaming

i think i saw you in a dream

i mean, i think i might have dreamt
every bad thing you ever did to me

(still all the animal in me runs from you—
my heart a stampede of rabbits & deer)

my heart is the meadow where I eat my mind


in spongey sections of fruitflesh
& you love its bitter scent on my breath

i can’t taste anything else

Aimee Lowenstern (she/her) is a twenty-six year old poet living in Nevada. She has cerebral palsy and a chihuahua. Her work can be found in several literary journals, including The Wild Umbrella and Kicking Your Ass Magazine.

Zoetic Press

Zoetic Press believes in new ways of storytelling and reading.

Argument on Déjà vu or réincarnation

