utopia remembered

the word of a bird is a thing to follow – charlotte mew

bring down the stories
the stories bring them down

read to me tales of musical fall
of purple rivers &
nymphs rowing south 

read to me a story of utopia—
the old gnarled oak plucks stars
nestles them like children

                                    bring down the stories
                                                the stories bring them down

read to me leather bound discoveries
mother i tell you i know
they languish on the highest shelf
they are trapped inside the closet

mother you put them there
i saw you put them there

my daughter there is no book
there is no book my love

                                     bring down the stories
                                                the stories bring them down

M.A. Durand (they/them/their), is a non-binary, biracial poet with an MFA from Antioch University.Their work has appeared in Writer’s Resist publications.

Zoetic Press

Zoetic Press believes in new ways of storytelling and reading.


Landscapes on Cardboard


Strong Weak Genes