Issue #27: Shared Worlds

March 2022


Elizabeth Martin

 Other Travellers in Wonderland (cover)

Elizabeth is a student at UBC with dreams of becoming a children’s book illustrator. She’s always loved any art medium, but painting is where she shines. She has always tried to stay in contact with her inner child and has found that art is an excellent outlet. . 

Tim Newton Anderson

A Scandal at Bertram’s

Tim is a former daily newspaper journalist and PR executive whose fiction has been accepted or published by Parsec Magazine, Emanations, Tales of the Shadowmen, Nightmare Fuel, Trees Anthology and Suffolk Writes

Ben Bisbee

The Cobbler of Oz

Ben has published in GuideStar, Wild Apricot, Forbes, Thrive Global, VolunteerMatch and in the 2021 anthology Six Feet Apart by the Writer’s Group Press. His nonfiction book The Unashamed Guide to Virtual Management was published internationally by ATD Press. 

Sarah Butkovic

Mister Adler, a Man of Many Mysteries

Sarah has published creative and journalistic work within and outside an academic setting; her fiction has been featured in Dominican’s literary magazine, Stella Veritatis, as well as two independent magazines (New Contexts and Academy Press).

Ken Cathers

death and the wizard

Ken has been published in periodicals, anthologies and seven books of poetry, most recently Letters From the Old Country with Ekstasis Press. His work has appeared in publications in Canada, the United States, Australia, Ireland and Africa. 

Sudhandshu Chopra


Sudhandshu is a poet, wordsmith and pun-enthusiast. 31 and rootless, he is fascinated by nature and frustrated by its incomprehension. He wishes we had evolved better or not at all. It is the midway that causes Catch 22 situations, which are quite troubling, mentally and otherwise. He tweets at @artofdying_

Sarah-Jane Crowson


Sarah-Jane’s work is inspired by fairytales, nature, psychogeography and surrealism. Her poetry can be seen in various journals, including Waxwing Literary Journal, Petrichor, Sugar House Review (sugar suites) and Iron Horse Literary Review. You can find her on Twitter @Sarahjfc 

Read her artist interview here.

Doriana Diaz

Declaration of Joy in Motion
Doriana’s work is an exploration of re-imagination, a curation of her own home sequence. 

Eve Dineva

Peach Fruit of Six Thousand Years

Eve is the winner of a couple of contemporary fiction contests. Her poems appear in Asian Cha : Literary Journal, Ethel, Poetic Sun and Indian Ruminations

Lee Dobecka


Lee is a native Texan and tarot reader holding a B.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Houston. With a forthright yet lyrical voice, Dobecka often addresses themes of mental health and queer identity in hopes of empowering the marginalized groups they identify with.

Amelia Gorman

On Meeting Kari Solmundarson of Burnt Njal on a Ghost Ship

Amelia’s recent poetry has appeared in Penumbric, Vastarien, and The Deadlands and her first chapbook, Field Guide to Invasive Species of Minnesota is available from Interstellar Flight Press. 

Elizabeth Mehl Greene


Elizabeth is a writer/composer working in the DC area. She is the author of Lady Midrash and was the founding editor of Untold Volumes. Her work appears in Bourgeon, VoiceCatcher, Mizna, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, and the anthologies Erase the Patriarchy and District Lines IV

Ruth Gilmore Ingulsrud


Ruth has been published many times in Cricket Magazine and has written an iOS platform illustrated children’s book on the iTunes bookstore called Princess Ramona, Beloved of Beasts. Her science-poetry website for upper elementary ages is found at: 

John Kiste

The Poor Chap in 223B

John is a horror writer who was previously the president of the Stark County Convention Bureau and a Massillon Museum board member. He is an Edgar Allan Poe impersonator who has been published in Flame Tree Press’s Terrifying Ghosts, NonBinary Review’s H. G. Wells and Odyssey anthologies, and many others.

Carole Glasser Langille

The Ugly Stepsister Says It’s Not True

Carole has been nominated for The Governor General’s Award in Poetry, The Atlantic Poetry Prize, The Alistair MacLeod Award for Short Fiction and her first children’s book was selected for “Our Choice Award” by the Canadian Children’s Book Centre.

Richard Lau

Return of the Warbringer

Richard has been published in magazines, newspapers, anthologies, and the high-tech industry, even though an author’s life is filled with ups and downs, especially as he writes in an elevator.

Olivia Lee

From Ixchel With Love

Olivia is a writer and professor committed to social justice and supporting Fair Trade companies. She enjoys traveling, books, art, music, walking in the woods, and spending time with her sister, Suzie, and their two dogs, George MacDonald and Keeper. Connect: instagram@ladyolivialee

Read her author interview here.



A Sleepy Hollow Harvest

LindaAnn is a Native New Yorker. Elgin Award winner. Pushcart Prize and Rhysling Award Nominee. Forthcoming: a paranormal collection of ghost poems, a collaborative horror chapbook, and an Italian-centric book.

Margaret Marcum

Let’s Playhouse

Margaret’s poems have appeared in Amethyst Review, Scapegoat Review, October Hill Magazine, Writing in a Woman’s Voice, and Children, Churches, and Daddies, among other literary magazines. She was a finalist for the 2021 Rash Award in Poetry.

Jack Morton

Spirits of the Chateau D’If

Jack studied English and Writing at UofT. His short fiction “Riff’s Story” appeared last year in the literary journal Expanded Field.

Geoffrey Mosse

Chandler’s Los Angeles

Geoffrey is a humble, hardworking freelance writer and artist that has a rather impressive list of published work in a variety of media. You can find him and his work on Facebook or Instagram and his books are always available on Amazon. 

Jennifer Nestojko

Fire in the Mountains

Jennifer is a writer and teacher who lives in central California and whose hobbies include medieval reenactment and metalworking. She has spent much time in the Santa Cruz area, having attended UCSC, and is put out that she has yet to encounter an ent.

Read her author interview here.

John Newson

As If By Magic

John graduated from Manchester School of Architecture before retraining as a jeweller and gemmologist. He is a Best of the Net nominee and his poems have appeared in multiple journals, including The Lyric, The Moth, The Inflectionist Review, Modern Haiku and Allegro.

Read John’s author interview here.

Calum Robertson

Zatanna’s Father Zatara

Calum has written nonfiction pieces for the Christian Courier, the Gauntlet and filling Station. Their poetry and prose has appeared online and in print in numerous magazines, including HASH Journal, Anti-Lang, LIDA Literary Magazine, nod, deathcap, peculiar and Bourgeon Magazine.

Tyler James Russell

It’s Okay, It’s Okay, Yes, Listen

Tyler is the author of To Drown a Man (2020), and When Fire Splits the Sky (2022), both from Unsolicited Press. He lives in Pennsylvania with his wife Cat and their children. You can find him at, or on Twitter at @TJamesRussell.

Read Tyler’s author interview here.

Lorraine Schein

The Croquet Rebellion

Lorraine work has appeared in VICE Terraform, Strange Horizons, Enchanted Conversation, and Mermaids Monthly, and in the anthology Tragedy Queens: Stories Inspired by Lana del Rey & Sylvia Plath. The Futurist’s Mistress, her poetry book, is available from Mayapple Press.

E. F. Schraeder

Returning to Narnia

E. F. is the author of Liar: Memoir of a Haunting (Omnium Gatherum, 2021), Ghastly Tales of Gaiety and Greed (Omnium Gatherum, 2020), and two poetry chapbooks. Awarded first place in Crystal Lake Publishing’s 2021 Poetry Contest, Schraeder is at work on a full length manuscript of poems.

Edward Michael Supranowicz

Spider Web

Edward has a grad background in painting and printmaking. Some of his artwork has recently or will soon appear in Fish Food, Streetlight, Another Chicago Magazine, The Door Is a Jar, The Phoenix, and other journals. Edward is also a published poet.