Issue #29: In Motion

September 2022


Amy Hollan

Snowmobile Tracks on Chatauqua Lake, cover
Amy is an artist, writer, and entrepreneur who integrates business know-how and creative flourishing into work and play. Favorite photography subjects are cemetery art, nature, and architecture. She is a fan of French press and cold brew coffee, watching the sunset over Chautauqua Lake near her hometown of Jamestown, NY, and all things Emily Dickinson. To learn more, visit Amy on the web at

George Amabile

Getting Somewhere
George has published in The New Yorker, Poetry (Chicago), American Poetry Review, Botteghe Oscure, The Globe and Mail, The Penguin Book of Canadian Verse, Saturday Night, Poetry Australia, Sur (Buenos Aires), Poetry Canada Review, and Canadian Literature.

Mikki Aronoff

Half the Earth Faces the Sun
Mikki’s work appears in The Ekphrastic Review, MacQueen’s Quinterly, Intima, Thimble Literary Magazine, London Reader, SurVision, Rogue Agent, Popshot Quarterly, The South Shore Review, The Fortnightly Review, Feral, The Phare, Sledgehammer Lit, and Flash Boulevard.

Lorelei Bacht

liquid times bracket pink plus orange bracket
Lorelei’s poetic work has appeared in The Night Heron Barks, Queerlings, SoFloPoJo, Barrelhouse, Sinking City, Stoneboat, One Art, SWWIM, and elsewhere. They can be found on Twitter @bachtlorelei and on Instagram @lorelei.bacht.writer. 

Nicholas Barnes

beach street
Nicholas earned a Bachelor of Arts in English at Southern Oregon University. He is currently working as an editor in Portland, and enjoys music, museums, movie theaters, and rain. His poems have been accepted by Platform Review, Mortal Mag, and Barzakh, among others.

Andrew Hudson Barter

The Road to Belorado
Andrew earned a degree in writing from Western Washington University, and now lives and writes in Portland, Oregon. His poems have appeared in The MacGuffin, California Quarterly, The Wineskin, and elsewhere.

Guilherme Bergamini

Guilherme has developed projects with photography and the various narrative possibilities that art offers. The works of the artist dialogue between memory and social political criticism. He believes in photography as the aesthetic potential and transforming agent of society. 

Mark Henry Bloom

A One Night Stand
Mark has several publishing credits, including Writing a Professional Life (Allyn & Bacon)and Dzurlord: a Crossroads Adventure (Tor Books). 

Dmitry Borshch

They Hunger For the Sea
Dmitry’s works have been exhibited at Russian American Cultural Center, HIAS, Consulate General of the Russian Federation, Lydia Schukina Institute of Psychology (Moscow), Contemporary Art Centers (Voronezh, Almaty), Museums of Contemporary Art (Poltava, Lviv).

Robert Boucheron

The Pawn
Robert’s work appears in Alabama Literary Review, Bellingham Review, Concrete Desert Review, Fiction International, Louisville Review, New Haven Review, and Saturday Evening Post. He is the editor of Rivanna Review, a print quarterly and cable TV program, website

Ann Calandro

Side Streets I Have Known
Ann is a writer, mixed media collage artist, and classical piano student. Her fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry have been published in literary journals, two anthologies, and a chapbook. Her artwork has been published, exhibited, and awarded prizes. 

James Callan

Got There In the End
James grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He lives on the Kāpiti Coast, New Zealand on a small farm with his wife, Rachel, and his little boy, Finn. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Bridge Eight, Beyond Queer Words, White Wall Review, Millennial Pulp Magazine and elsewhere.

Chel Campbell

Abecedarian For My Hallucinations
Chel’s work appears in Pidgeonholes, The MacGuffin, Kitchen Table Quarterly, Pithead Chapel, and elsewhere. She taught literature and composition at the University of South Dakota and read for the South Dakota Review.

Ken Cathers

before the sky
Ken has been published in numerous periodicals and anthologies most recently in Misfits, The MacGuffin, Impspired and a recent issue of NonBinary Review.

Michael Catherwood

Time Slants
Michael is the author of Dare, If You Turned Around Quickly, and Projector from Stephen F. Austin Press. He is former editor at The Backwaters Press and is an Associate Editor at Plainsongs. His poems have appeared in The Common, Pennsylvania English, I-70 Review, and Common Ground Review.

Agnes Chew

Agnes is the author of The Desire for Elsewhere (Math Paper Press, 2016) and Eternal Summer of My Homeland (forthcoming from Epigram Books). Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Wildness Journal, Litbreak Magazine, and Bosphorus Review of Books, among others.

Emmie Christie

Dropped Into the Sky
Emmie has been published in Flash Fiction Online and Three-Lobed Burning Eye, and she graduated from the Odyssey Writing Workshop in 2013.

Derek Des Anges

Derek is an emerging multi-genre author living and working in London. His work has most recently appeared in anthologies by Other Worlds Ink and Parsec Ink, and in the 4th Edition of The Antihumanist.

R. C. deWinter

what happened when I ran away from home
R.C.’s poetry is in 2River, Event, Gargoyle Magazine, the minnesota review, Night Picnic Journal, Plainsongs, Prairie Schooner, Southword, The Ogham Stone, Twelve Mile Review, and York Literary Review among many others.

Jennifer Frederick

One Last Time
Jennifer’s work has appeared in places like Coffee People Zine; Beyond Words Literary Magazine; and 1807: An Art and Literary Journal.

Joanna George

Joanna’s writings appear or are forthcoming in Epoch Press, Parentheses Journal, Cordite Poetry Review, Isele Magazine, Honey Literary, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, West Trestle Review, Lumiere Review, Paddler Press and others. She tweets at j_leaseofhope.

Lindsay Morrison Grant

Lindsay self-identifies as a neurodivergent, two-spirit, elder storyteller and contrarian deeply rooted in the lore that’s become Portlandia of The Left Coast. The Artist attributes success and survival to superlative supports, mindfulness practice, and daily creative expression in words, sounds, and images.

Bex Hainsworth

Bex is a bisexual poet and teacher based in Leicester, UK. She won the Collection HQ Prize as part of the East Riding Festival of Words and her work has appeared in Visual Verse, Neologism, Atrium, Acropolis Journal, and Brave Voices Magazine. Find her on Twitter @PoetBex.

Erin Heisel

To the Man in the Tollbooth Somewhere Outside Boston
Erin is a performer, researcher, writer, and classically-trained singer. She has published and presented her academic research in the U.S. and abroad and has performed as a singer on four continents.

Caroline Hung

summer whalesong
Caroline is a writer of Filipino and Taiwanese descent, born and raised in the Philippines. Most of her time is spent daydreaming about little-known folk creatures such as the shark-deer and Mô-sîn-á, and putting them in the cosmos where she thinks they belong.

Alan Keith

Yonge, Man
Alan is a substitute teacher working out of Toronto, Canada. He tries to keep his writing honest by only writing about what he sees, but if he’s being (really) honest, he actually makes a lot of it up. Alan has printed two short story collections and a novel; they sit anonymously on his bookshelf... 

E. E. King

E.E. has been published in Clarkesworld, Daily Science Fiction, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Short Edition, and Flametree. Her stories are on Tangent’s 2019 and 2020, year’s best stories. She’s been nominated for seven Pushcart awards. She’s the author of four novels and many shorts collections. 

Mario Loprete

Mario lives in a world he shapes at his liking. He does this through virtual, pictorial, and sculptural movements, transferring his experiences and photographing reality through his mind’s filters. He has refined this process through years of research and experimentation. Painting is his first love.

Brian Lowe

Relative Fortune
Brian has also published in Escape Pod, Daily Science Fiction, and Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores. He is a member of SFWA, living in Los Angeles with his wife and a host of imaginary people anxious to get out of his head and start living their own lives.

Jeffrey Mann

Jeffrey has discovered that altering images digitally compliments his response-based creative process which has no preconceived story or image in mind. Through a kind of dance with car parts, he follows the ghost of a direction and focuses it to bring, in the case of a mask, the character into being.

John C. Mannone

Another Time, Another Place
John has poems in Windhover, North Dakota Quarterly, Poetry South, and Baltimore Review. Winner of numerous awards and seven published collections, he edits poetry for Abyss & Apex and other journals. He’s a retired physics professor living in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Tabitha Marsh

Tabitha was shortlisted for the Stratford Literary Festival/Salariya Children’s Book Prize, and illustrated several books. She’s has been the illustrator in residence at the multi-award-winning independent bookshop Kenilworth Books since 2017.

Ken McCluskey

Swiss Miss
Ken is an editor and an RN. He lives and works outside of Philadelphia, PA, but is actively looking for his forever home.

Dafydd McKimm

An Elegy for May in the Forest of the Noble Spacemen
Dafydd is a speculative fiction writer producing mainly short and flash-length stories. His work has previously appeared in Flash Fiction Online, Kaleidotrope, Syntax & Salt, The Cafe Irreal, and elsewhere.  

Gabriel Meek

A Divergence & Convergence
Gabriel is a poet who lives in Spokane, Washington, where he earned his MFA from Eastern Washington University. His poems have appeared in Madcap Review, Silver Blade, Star*Line, and elsewhere. He is fond of museums, movies, and monsters.

James Metzger

James’s works are in print—The Grapevine, Beyond Queer Words, Not Another Pretty Face, and online—Bluesem, and performed live by EyeZen Presents. On the horizon is a one-person show... Though the mantras change often, he is most certainly always here for the joy.

Kyle E. Miller

What I Gained By Walking
Kyle is a poet and writer from Michigan. He can usually be found in the dunes and forests turning up logs looking for life. His work has appeared in Clarkesworld, Three-Lobed Burning Eye, and Young Magazine. You can find more at

Yagnya Valkya Misra

The Journey
Yagnya has been published in Happy Birthday To Me – A Collection of Contemporary Asian Writing (UK), Five Degrees: The Asian Writer Short Story Prize 2012 (UK), Celebrating India and Family Matters anthologies. 

Leah Mueller

The Other Passenger
Leah’s work appears in Midway Journal, Citron Review, The Spectacle, Miracle Monocle, Outlook Springs, Atticus Review, Your Impossible Voice, etc. Her flash piece, “Land of Eternal Thirst” will appear in the 2022 edition of Sonder Press’s Best Small Fictions anthology.

Kell Nelson

Man Walking
Kell is a writer and artist in Phoenix. She teaches Integrative Studies at Arizona State University and hasn’t owned a car in 22 years. More at

Omotayo Kofoworola

Keep Moving
Kofoworola is a performance photographer based in Nigeria. His work has appeared on the Footprints of David and Qdance Company page with great feedback. He is a photographer who loves documenting artistic movement on stage while immersing himself into the art. 

Avery Parks

My Own Two Feet
Avery is a science fiction writer of short fiction, with stories at Cossmass Infinities, MetaStellar Magazine, and at Infinite Worlds. She lives in Texas with her family, a variety of pets, and (according to some) too many books. You can find her on both Twitter and Instagram at parks_writes.

Marisca Pichette

Fifteen Steps
Marisca’s work has appeared in Strange Horizons, Fireside Magazine, Room Magazine, Ligeia Magazine, and Plenitude Magazine, among others. Her debut poetry collection, Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair, is forthcoming from Android Press in Spring 2023. 

Guy Prevost

The Rural Route
Guy is a film/TV writer. He has worked as a development executive in the movie business, college teacher, and fiction writer. His short stories have appeared in SQ Mag (contest prizewinner), NonBinary Review, the North Atlantic Review, Mason Street, and The Chamber.

Audacia Ray

The Lost Photos of Eadweard Muybridge
Audacia’s work has been published in The Rumpus, The Guardian, Necessary Fiction, and Stone Canoe. She was an editor of $pread magazine and its respective best-of anthology published by Feminist Press. 

Bupinder Singh

Bupinder works as an Associate Editor for The Universe Journal and as a reader for The Masters Review. His works have been published in The Week, The Delacorte Review, NonBinary Review, The Antihumanist, Whale Road Review, and several others. He is on at Twitter on @fidoic

Gaayatri Sivanantham

At the peak
Gaayatri is a 20-year-old Malaysian living in Selangor and is a law student in Brickfields Asia College. She previously won third in nationals for poetry writing during high school and wrote poems for the school magazine.

Gabrielle Elaine Thurman

Short List Collections Vol. 23: College Edition (Things I’m Leaving Behind)
Gabrielle is a current student at the University of Central Arkansas where she studies creative writing. Their creative work has appeared in Surreal Poetics, Capulet Mag, Infinite Worlds Science Fiction Magazine, and elsewhere.

Martine van Bijlert

Martine  is a poet, novelist and non-fiction writer, who grew up in Iran and now lives in the Netherlands. In between, she worked as an aid worker, researcher and diplomat, mostly in Afghanistan; she still hopes to go back.

Allison Wall

The God of Liminal Spaces
Allison is a queer, neurodivergent writer with an MFA from Hamline University. They work as a dissertation editor for humanistic psychology PhDs and have a beautiful tabby cat named Sybbie, and Celiac disease (please keep the gluten at a safe distance).

Britnie Walston

Out of This World
Britnie’s work has been exhibited at Towson Arts Collective, Art Enables, and Maryland Art Place. Additionally, her work has been featured in Art Show International of Los Angeles. Magazines such as Chestnut Review, Carolina Quarterly, Cutbank, and have featured her art. 

J. Weintraub

J. has work in The Massachusetts Review, Modern Philology, Prairie Schooner, and New Criterion. His translation of Lombardi’s The Gypsy Spiders and Other Tales of Italian Horror was published by Tartarus Press, and his translation of Eugène Briffault’s Paris à table: 1846 was published by Oxford UP. 

Sandy White

Sandy is completing her MFA in Creative Writing/Poetry at Dominican University of California. She turns 76 this year.

Jane Wiseman

Take the left turn right
Jane most recent publications were in The Westchester Review, and her poem “No Wise Fish” appeared in NonBinary Review Issue #10: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Isabel Yacura

The Wastelands
Isabel is an editor and writer currently based in Brooklyn, New York. She is currently represented by Haley Casey at CMA Literary.

Steven O. Young, Jr.

Bird and Stone
Steven has spent over 99% of his life knit into the Great Lakes’ mitten, where he earned an MA from Oakland University and slathers soundstages with layers of paint. His most recent poems have or will appear within Talon Review, The Rush, and Reunion: The Dallas Review.

Amanda Yskamp

Amanda creates images that are narrative, featuring visual schematics, relying on juxtaposition for contrast or disjuncture. She consider her pictures to be literary, but calling upon a less verbal sensibility, thus liberating her (and the viewer) from the literal.